Creativity in Kids

Creativity in Kids

Creativity in Kids..


Creativity doesn’t always come easy for some. It will take some guidance and help from adults and others to help guide the child to express creativity.


How can parents and adult help the child to get their creative process going:


  • Identify child’s interest: Recognising and fostering a child’s interest will allow them to express their creativity more easily
  • Give children option to express their choice: Allowing the child to express freely their desire to decide between two options for an activity will show them their opinion is valuable. This will also give them the confidence. You can then also ask them their opinion why they chose something over the other. This will help them express their views and perhaps emotions.
  • Ask careful and guiding questions: Asking them questions such as “What do we do next?” or “Is there another way to do this” will help them express more and be more creative to explore what could be done further with their activity.
  • Encourage mistakes: Mistakes are part of a learning process. Mistakes are a proof that the child is engaged in the activity and leaning and growing. This will help them grow and also be more confident.
  • Join them: Activities are much more fun when done together. Join them and have as much fun as they are having!


We at Smartazon #UK have carefully selected a range of safe and high quality #toys for #children. Making that #momlife even more fun. These help to enhance #creativity in #kids and adults can join too and have a lot of #fun